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Bike Rentals in Goa

How difficult it's to rent a bike in Goa? Simple. Period.

Bikes are convenient and fun way to explore Goa
Rental Bikes in Goa

Bikes are convenient and fun way to explore Goa


hink of this. Get on a bike @ Anjuna beach at the northern part of Goa. Zip past the coconut palm lined curvy road towards south. Four hours and 100km later, you will find yourself at Xandrem Beach in south Goa!

Well, it may sound like crazy. But doable. Who knows if you have the drive - and the bike has fuel - left, Polem Beach is just 5more kilomeres south.

So what's the point here? Renting a bike is a superb (superb!) way to explore the nook and cranny ( of course beaches) of Goa.

How much does it cost? Not much. Really!

Honda Activa and similar scooters ( 100'ish CC ) rentals for a day hovers between ₹300 to ₹500 ($5 to$7) a day. A more masculine ones (150CC +) may cost ₹500+ and the scooty genre is sub ₹300.

Of course the rental prices varies based on seasons and locations.Keep in mind, if are renting for many days at a stretch negotiate for a better rate.

Oops...forgotten to mention of fuel cost. It's on your account. 3-4 liters is good enough for a day, that's if you drive around a lot. 1 or 2 liters seems to be the norm considering you'll spend good time a the the beaches (...and bussy at those trance parties) than driving around a lot.

So where do you get a bike in Goa? Many local enterprises around the beach and hotel scenes do spot rentals. Some ask for a deposit. In any case you need to show a valid ID proof & Drivers Licence.

A more planned way to approach the rental is to signup with one of those many service providers. Providers like ZipHop, WheelStreet,Cleartrip ( yes you can book bike rentals also at Cleartrip!) etc offers online booking of bike rentals in advance.

Sounds good? Enjoy Goa on a bike. Wear a helmet. Drive safe.


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