
Everything about Goa
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Why Goa?

You already know Goa is popular for it beaches. What else sets Goa apart as an attractive destination ?

Casino Maharajah in Mandovi River
Casino Maharajah in Mandovi River

Casino Maharajah in Mandovi River


ell, you already know Goa is a phenomenally popular tourism destination. What makes Goa so special?

Many things. In fact many things in the right combination at the right place.

The geography first. Goa is a tiny state, but its geography is quite diverse. The east if Goa is the sun kissed coastline, generously sprinkled with silver sanded beaches. Towards the west is the monsoon drenched mountainous forests, the western Ghats. Between the coast and the Western Ghats lies the palm fringed planes.

Of all, the beaches steal the show. And of course Goa is known for its astonishing range of beaches, varying anything from the overcrowded popular beaches to the rugged and secluded heavens.

The sun worshipers will find the perfect adobe on the palm fringed beach of Goa!

The second reason for Goa's attraction lies in its history. 450 years of uninterrupted colonialism - to be specific the Portuguese version of it - left and impressive footprint on Goa's heritage landscape. Goa's numerous churches, forts , mansions and the cityscape itself is is a slice of nostalgia, refuses to fade away.There's even an old cliche that goes 'If you've seen Goa, you don't need to see Lisbon.'

What else makes Goa stand out? Ask any Goans about its cuisine, you'll get a more than enthusiastic response. And invariably you'll be remained that Goa has the tastiest fish in India. They are right. Not only that Goa gets the best sea fish, Goans know how to make the best curry out of it!

It's worth traveling all the way to Goa, just for the gastronomical reasons. The foody in you will not be disappointed. Well, the definition of food includes the Goan firewater, Feni too!

Goa is quite a fun place to be in, by design. Be it the casinos, the gazillion number of pubs,bars,lounges or the beach side shacks where the lazy can find a refuge. The adventurous ones, will find all sorts of water sports, including the paragliding exciting.

Goa's people are outgoing. Never reserved and with a generous outlook towards diverse cultures and lifestyles, Goan are conservative as well as friendly to its guests. Probably that's the most significant differentiating factor of Goa's success as a sought after tourism destination.


Everything about Goa
How to reach Goa
Mumbai to Goa
Goa Beaches

There was a time when Goa had a number of less crowded ‘secret’ beaches. Still they do have a few!

Goa Map